Executive and Board Advisory

We understand the incredible opportunities and potential isolation that senior executives encounter. Pressures are accelerating for CEO's and their C-Suite teams to meet Board and shareholder demands in today's increasingly complex environment. At the same time, market forces are requiring greater innovation and resourcefulness than ever before. Incredible opportunities, incredible challenges, but potential isolation.

Many C-leaders conclude they need trusted advisors who can do what no one else around you can: explore issues confidentially, act as a sounding board, and help you create a roadmap for achieving goals. During these discussions we stress clarity, courage and collaboration as means to an end; get crystal clear on what you want to accomplish, have the courage to make and communicate the decisions necessary to accomplish, and ensure your culture allows and promotes collaboration.

Areas of discussion may include, but are not limited to:

  • Vision and strategy
  • Decision making
  • Creating the team you want
  • Leadership brand
  • Storytelling for communication
  • Executive presence
  • Communication strategy
  • Priority management
  • Building visibility
  • Creating and evolving culture

Board Advisory engagements generally focus on areas such as leadership, culture, strategy, customer relationships, human capital and Board/Management governance. These are typically facilitated discussions at either the committee or full Board level, and driven by the desire to change/evolve from current state. Organizational change requires significant commitment on many levels; as with CEO Advisory, having a separate set of eyes and an objective perspective adds depth to the leadership process.